Tuesday, December 4, 2007

BB & C.I.A CAMP 2007

Boys' Brigade combined with C.I.A (Children In Action) Camp 2007
Theme: I am a Conqueror!
Venue: Christ Church Secondary School
Date: 28 Nov 07 - 1 Dec 07
*For more photos, please check out the website below:

Organized by Westside Anglican Church and Boys' Brigade Officers

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New E-mail Address

Dear All,

We've created a new E-mail address for Boys' Brigade 95J Company.
Do send us an e-mail if you have any queries.

E-mail Add: thebb95j@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 25, 2007



Please go to http://www.bb95j.shutterfly.com

Enjoy your journey with Boys' Brigade 95J.

Thank You.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Dear All,

Please note that all photographs related to 95J Boys' Brigade in the Imagestation will be transfered to a new home. Currently, still in the process. Update of new link will be done as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

BB Uniform

Click on the links below to for more information.

1) Juniors' Uniform
2) Badges (Pending)

Outdoor Activities

Click on the links to view types of outdoor activities available.

1) Outdoor Cooking - Rice-Cooking
2) Tent-pitching (Pending)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Outdoor Cooking - Rice Cooking

Outdoor Cooking was taken place early this Feburary. Did they follow the instructions given? Were their rice cooked or HALF-cooked? Did they have FUN? What have they learn? For now, let's take a look at our Boys' cooking skills!

*Pre-step: To prevent staining your mess tin, apply a layer of toothpaste before cooking.

Looks like our Boys were trying very hard to set up the fire with the matches!

Ta dah! The fire was nicely set up! Finally!

Items to bring:
- Uncooked rice
- Canned food (Minimum of 2 meat & 1 veg)
- Can opener
- Water (Minimum 2 litre)
- Mess tins (4 nos, 2 sets)
- Tommy cooker (2 nos)
- 3 pieces of solid fuels
- Fork & spoon

1. Retrieve the amount of rice needed.
2. Rice evened out at about 1cm high is sufficient for 3 Boys.

1. Wash the rice and drain off the water (3-5 times)
2. Add in water
3. Water needed shall be 3 times more than rice. (3cm high)

1. Place 2 solid fuels on the Tommy Cooker and place mess tin on top of it. Place the 2nd mess tin on top to speed up cooking.
2. After about 8 minutes, both solid fuels will be used up. Replace with the third piece of solid fuel and continue cooking for another 6 minutes.

1. Rice will be cooked after a total of 15 minutes.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Juniors' Uniform

Today, let's talk about the dress code of the Boys' Brigade Juniors! On the left shows the attire which we call it as "Day Dress"(Full Uniform). It is worn on most parades! It consists of:
· Regulation dark blue short sleeve shirt and shorts
· Field service cap with cap badge
· Junior crest sewed on left breast pocket
· White nylon belt with chrome buckles
· Regulation shoulder flashes and company designation
· Name tag
· Dark blue socks Black canvas shoes with laces

On the right shows the attire, "Fatigue Dress". It is usually worn during informal occasions or when fatigue activities are involved. It consists of:

· Blue BB regulation T-shirt
· Dark blue shorts with white nylon belt and chrome buckles
· Canvas shoes
· Jockey cap(Optional)

*Note that for Brigade level activities, events or courses that stipulate fatigue dress, only the BB Regulation blue (not Company) Polo T-shirt is to be worn.